07 October 2008


frustration. had to go to Social Security and prove that my income is NOT what they claim....shouldn't have to do this because my income is reported to the gov't every time they write a check, wouldn't you think?

despair...how to help my youngest manage her learning - post-transplant/chemo/radiation left her with damage, but how to re-train/bypass her problems? Dunno. oldest just doesn't comprehend what she is reading in any subject. She gets things like" they went to the store" but any interpretation/rephrasing just doesn't compute. hard to explain here but she is failing most math papers, social studies, and reading....
she has major science project and wants to work with someone, but her choices are way less than wise...and she doesn't really understand what she wants to do anyway. Proposal required by thursday.........due in three weeks..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

emotions flipping big time today. don't want to see any of the other humans on this planet. prefer not to see any animals either. not gonna happen, but not an easy day.

had to fix my car - again - to the tune of $375 - so no reunion this weekend for me (20th high school). mixed emotions about that.

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